DAILY Weather Records
Glen Allen Virginia May 2014
May 22, 2014 Hail Storm Link

  • May 8 Today was the hottest day of 2014.
  • It was also the highest temperature since Oct 5, 2013 when it was 90°F.

  • May 13
  • Today was the hottest day of 2014 at Glen Allen.
    The maximum temperature today was 94°F, a new 5 year HIGH maximum temperature record for the date; the old record was ONLY 79°F in 2012.
    It was also the highest temperature at Glen Allen since July 19, 2013 when it was also 94°F.
    The Richmond International Airport also had a high of 94°F and tied the highest for the date there in 2000 and 1956.

  • May 15-16
  • The total Rainfall for May 15, 2014 was 1.17 inches.
    The total Rainfall for May 16, 2014 was 1.63 inches.
    The 24 hour total of May 15-16 was 2.80 inches the most in 24 hrs. since Sep. 6-7 of 2011.

  • May 22
  • The rain started at 1637 and ended by 1710 hours and the storm total was 0.77 inches.
    The maximum wind gust was 40 Mph from the north at 1641 hour just before the hail started.
    A short but very intense period of hail between 1643 and 1647 hours.
    Hail size varied from 0.3 inches to 0.7 inches in diameter most were 0.4 inches.
    See the pictures of the hail in the above link