DAILY Weather Records
Glen Allen Virginia April 2014

  • April 15
  • The wind run today was 193.9 miles the highest since Jan 25, 2014 when it was 198.4 miles.
    The highest wind gust today was 38 mph at 12:52 PM & the high wind for gust for April at Glen Allen is 41 mph.
    The total precipitation today was 0.91 inches and for April 2.07 inches.

  • April 16
  • Remarkable weather in the past 24 hours-
    There has been a great temperature decrease of -37.3 °F since yesterday at 7:24 AM.
    Frozen rain on the deck this morning and a 19°F wind chill at 5:39 AM this morning.
    Today's 30.9 °F was the lowest minimum temperature ever to occur this late in April.
    The previous record 35°F on the 22nd in 2013.(Records since 2008)
    A 30°F temperature drop in the span of about two hours was recorded in some central VA locations.
    Sleet was recorded areas N. & W. of Richmond,& 60-70 mph wind gusts in the southern Chesapeake Bay.
    Even with a sunny day temperatures will still be about 20°F below average this afternoon.

  • April 17
  • Remarkable weather in the past 24 hours-
    There is a great increase of 30 % in the humidity since yesterday at 7:20 AM.
    Very Heavy Killing Frost yard and roofs white with frost.
    Today's 29.8°F at 6:34 AM was the lowest minimum temperature ever to occur this late in April.
    The previous record 30.9°F yesterday.(Records since 2008)